The distance from Venus to the sun is about 67,000,000 miles. The distance from Earth to the sun is about 2.6 x 10^7 farther. What is the distance from Earth to the sun? Write your answer in scientific Notation to 1 decimal.

____ x 10^7 miles

The distance from Earth to the sun is 2.9 x 10^7 miles.

To find the distance from Earth to the sun, we can multiply the distance from Venus to the sun by "2.6".

67,000,000 miles * 2.6 = 174,200,000 miles

Since the given distance is already in scientific notation, we can express the answer as:

1.742 x 10^8 miles

To calculate the distance from Earth to the sun, we need to find the difference between the distance from Venus to the sun and the given value of 2.6 x 10^7.

First, let's subtract the distance from Venus to the sun from the given value:
2.6 x 10^7 - 6.7 x 10^7 = -4.1 x 10^7

The result is negative because Earth is closer to the sun than Venus. However, we want the distance as a positive value, so let's take the absolute value of the result:

|-4.1 x 10^7| = 4.1 x 10^7

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the sun is 4.1 x 10^7 miles.