Apologies for the oversight. Without any specific information or context given about the number 8, it is difficult to determine its meaning. It might be a simple mistake or an unrelated number. If you believe there is additional information or context that would provide insight into the meaning of 8, please provide more details.

here are all the details:
The Johnsons and the Wilsons went to the Burger Barn for dinner.

The Johnsons bought 2 burger meals and 5 hot dog meals for $46.

The Wilsons bought 5 burger meals and 2 hot dog meals for $52.

When you solve, you get a solution of (8, 6)

then it asked:
What does the 8 mean in context?
What does the 6 mean in context?
Who got the better deal?

In the given context, the number 8 represents the number of burger meals purchased by the Johnsons. Similarly, the number 6 represents the number of hot dog meals purchased by the Johnsons.

To determine who got the better deal, we can compare the total cost per meal for each family.

The Johnsons spent $46 for a total of 7 meals ($46/7 ≈ $6.57 per meal).
The Wilsons spent $52 for a total of 7 meals ($52/7 ≈ $7.43 per meal).

Therefore, the Johnsons got the better deal as they paid less on average per meal compared to the Wilsons.

In the given context, let's analyze the meaning of the numbers 8 and 6:

1. The number 8 represents the total number of meals bought by the Johnsons and the Wilsons. This can be determined by adding the number of burger meals and hot dog meals purchased by both families:
- Johnsons bought 2 burger meals + 5 hot dog meals = 7 meals
- Wilsons bought 5 burger meals + 2 hot dog meals = 7 meals
- Therefore, the total number of meals bought by both families is 7 + 7 = 14 meals.

2. The number 6 represents the difference in cost between the meals purchased by the Johnsons and the Wilsons. This can be calculated by subtracting the total cost of the Johnsons' meals from the total cost of the Wilsons' meals:
- Wilsons spent $52 on 7 meals
- Johnsons spent $46 on 7 meals
- The difference is $52 - $46 = $6.

As for determining who got the better deal, we need additional information to make a definitive judgment. Without specific details about the regular prices of burger meals and hot dog meals at Burger Barn, it is challenging to compare the prices and decide which family received a better deal.

Based on the given details, we can analyze the information to answer the questions:

1. What does the 8 mean in context?
In the context of the given problem, the number 8 represents the total number of meals purchased by both the Johnsons and the Wilsons combined. It is obtained by adding the number of burgers and hot dogs purchased by both families, which is 2 burger meals + 5 hot dog meals + 5 burger meals + 2 hot dog meals = 8 meals.

2. What does the 6 mean in context?
In the context of the given problem, the number 6 represents the difference in the total cost of meals purchased by the Johnsons and the Wilsons. To find this, we subtract the total cost of the Wilsons' meals ($52) from the total cost of the Johnsons' meals ($46), which results in $46 - $52 = -$6. The negative sign indicates that the Johnsons' meals were $6 cheaper than the Wilsons' meals.

3. Who got the better deal?
Based on the information provided, the Johnsons got the better deal since their meals were $6 cheaper than the Wilsons' meals. The negative value of the difference in cost indicates that the Johnsons' meals were comparatively cheaper.