What does explicit mean information that is stated directly information that is somewhat bag information that is inferred information. That is understood. From context.

Explicit means information that is stated directly.

The term "explicit" refers to information that is stated directly and clearly, leaving no room for interpretation or doubt. It is information that is communicated in a straightforward manner, leaving no ambiguity. In contrast, implicit information is not explicitly stated but rather implied or inferred from the given context or clues. Therefore, explicit information is the opposite of information that is somewhat vague or inferred.

The word "explicit" refers to information that is stated directly and clearly, without any ambiguity or hidden meaning. When information is explicit, it is not open to interpretation or inferred from context.

To determine the meaning of the word "explicit," we can consult various sources, such as dictionaries or online resources. One popular online resource is dictionary.com. Let's use that as an example:

1. Open your web browser and go to dictionary.com.
2. In the search bar, type "explicit" and press Enter or click the search button.
3. The search results page will provide you with the definition and additional information related to the word "explicit."
4. Read through the definition to understand the meaning of the word.

In this case, the information you provided is correct. The definition of "explicit" is indeed information that is stated directly, without any ambiguity or inference.