To solve this system, you could do the following steps:


Choose the best method to solve by looking at the way the equations are set up for you:
Using the best method, how could you get the x variables to cancel out?
. After you complete step 2, what would your top equation be? Response area
Line them up and add the equations together to get this equation.
. Solve for y.
. Solve for x.
all the possible solutions:
choose a method:
substitution, graphing, elimination

Operation to get the x variables to cancel
divide the bottom equation by 2
multiply the bottom equation by x2
mulitply the top equation by x-2
divide the top equation by 4

simplified top equation

after adding the equations

solve for x and y

The possible solutions for this system of equations are:

- substitution: y = -12, x = 6
- graphing: y = 18, x = -3
- elimination: y = -12, x = 6

The operation to get the x variables to cancel is to multiply the bottom equation by 2.

The simplified top equation after step 2 would be -6x + 4y = 96.

To solve the given system of equations:

3x + 4y = 48 ...(Equation 1)
6x + 2y = 60 ...(Equation 2)

The best method to solve this system is by using the elimination method.

To get the x variables to cancel out, we need to multiply Equation 1 by -2 and Equation 2 by 3:

-6x - 8y = -96 ...(Equation 1 multiplied by -2)
18x + 6y = 180 ...(Equation 2 multiplied by 3)

When we add these two equations together, the x variables will cancel out:

(-6x - 8y) + (18x + 6y) = -96 + 180
12y = 84
y = 7

Now, we can substitute the value of y back into one of the original equations to solve for x. Let's use Equation 1:

3x + 4(7) = 48
3x + 28 = 48
3x = 48 - 28
3x = 20
x = 20/3

So the solution to the system of equations is x = 20/3 and y = 7.

Using the elimination method, the x variables canceled out by adding the equations:
-6x - 8y + 18x + 6y = -96 + 180
12y - 2y = 84
10y = 84
y = 8.4

Now, substitute the value of y back into Equation 1:
3x + 4(8.4) = 48
3x + 33.6 = 48
3x = 48 - 33.6
3x = 14.4
x = 14.4/3

So the solution to the system of equations is x ≈ 4.8 and y ≈ 8.4.

To solve the system of equations:

3x + 4y = 48
6x + 2y = 60

We will use the elimination method to get the x variables to cancel out.

To do this, we can choose to multiply the bottom equation by 2 to make the coefficients of the x term the same. This way, when we add the equations together, the x terms will cancel out.

2 * (6x + 2y) = 2 * 60
12x + 4y = 120

Now line up the equations and add them:

3x + 4y = 48
12x + 4y = 120

This yields the equation:

15x = 168

Now solve for x:

x = 168 / 15
x = 11.2

Now substitute this value back into either equation to solve for y. Let's choose the first equation:

3(11.2) + 4y = 48
33.6 + 4y = 48
4y = 48 - 33.6
4y = 14.4
y = 14.4 / 4
y = 3.6

So the solution to the system of equations is x = 11.2 and y = 3.6.

Alternatively, you can solve this system using the substitution or graphing method.