Which of the following examples accurately contrasts political participation in democratic and authoritarian systems of government?

A. Free speech has no effect on the function of society in democratic systems; authoritarian governments' limits on free speech make their societies work better.
B. Authoritarian governments harshly punish speech that is critical of the government and its leaders; democratic governments do not.
C. Democratic governments do not tolerate nonviolent forms of protest; authoritarian governments do.
D. Democratic governments rarely hold elections; authoritarian governments hold regular elections.

B. Authoritarian governments harshly punish speech that is critical of the government and its leaders; democratic governments do not.

The option that accurately contrasts political participation in democratic and authoritarian systems of government is option B. Authoritarian governments harshly punish speech that is critical of the government and its leaders; democratic governments do not.

In democratic systems, individuals are allowed to freely express their opinions and criticize the government without fear of punishment. Free speech is protected as a fundamental right. On the other hand, authoritarian governments limit free speech and often punish individuals who speak out against the government or its leaders.

This contrast highlights the difference in political participation between the two systems of government, as democratic systems encourage citizens to engage in political discussion and express their views, while authoritarian systems discourage political dissent and suppress critical speech.

The correct answer is B. Authoritarian governments harshly punish speech that is critical of the government and its leaders; democratic governments do not.

To get to the answer, let's understand the characteristics of political participation in democratic and authoritarian systems of government:

1. Democratic Systems:
- In democratic systems, political participation is encouraged and valued.
- Freedom of speech and expression are protected, allowing individuals to openly discuss and criticize the government and its leaders without fear of punishment.
- The government aims to facilitate citizen participation through mechanisms such as free and fair elections, public debates, and opportunities for civil society organizations to express their views.
- Democratic governments prioritize the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

2. Authoritarian Systems:
- In authoritarian systems, political participation is often limited or suppressed.
- Authoritarian governments tend to restrict freedom of speech and expression, particularly when it comes to criticism of the government and its leaders.
- Dissent and opposition are often met with harsh punishment, such as censorship, imprisonment, or even violence, as a means of maintaining control.
- Authoritarian governments often control and manipulate the electoral process to ensure their continued hold on power. They may use techniques such as gerrymandering, vote-rigging, or intimidation to undermine fair elections.

Now, let's examine the options:

A. This option is incorrect. In democratic systems, free speech is valued as a cornerstone of political participation, and it serves as a means for open discussion and accountability. In contrast, authoritarian governments tend to limit free speech to maintain control and suppress dissent.

B. This option is correct. It accurately contrasts political participation in democratic and authoritarian systems. Authoritarian governments are known for harshly punishing speech critical of the government and its leaders, while democratic governments generally respect the freedom of speech and allow criticism without punishment.

C. This option is incorrect. Nonviolent forms of protest are often tolerated in democratic systems as a way for citizens to express their grievances and demands. Authoritarian governments, on the other hand, tend to suppress and repress protests to maintain their control over the population.

D. This option is incorrect. Democratic governments prioritize regular elections as a means for political participation and citizen empowerment. While the frequency and fairness of elections may vary, it is essential for democratic governments to hold elections to ensure representation and accountability. Authoritarian governments, however, often manipulate elections or do not hold them at all.

In summary, option B accurately contrasts political participation in democratic and authoritarian systems by highlighting the different approaches to free speech and criticism of the government.