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Part 1
A farmer has bushels of to sell at roadside stand. sells an average of
each day. Represent the total change in the number of bushels has for sale after .

To represent the total change in the number of bushels the farmer has for sale after n days, we can use the following equation:

Total change in number of bushels = Initial number of bushels - (Average bushels sold per day * Number of days)

To represent the total change in the number of bushels the farmer has for sale after a certain number of days, you would use the following equation:

Total Change = Initial Amount - (Average Sold Per Day * Number of Days)

Let's plug in the values given in the question:

Initial Amount = bushels
Average Sold Per Day =
Number of Days =

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

Total Change = - ( * )

Please provide the values for and so that we can calculate the total change in the number of bushels the farmer has for sale.

To find the total change in the number of bushels the farmer has for sale after a specific number of days, you need to calculate the difference between the initial number of bushels and the number of bushels sold over those days.

Let's break down the provided information:
- The farmer has a certain number of bushels to sell at their roadside stand (let's call it "x" bushels).
- Each day, the farmer sells an average of "y" bushels.

To calculate the total change in the number of bushels the farmer has for sale after a given number of days (let's call it "d" days), you can use the formula:

Total change = Initial number of bushels - Number of bushels sold over "d" days

In this case, the initial number of bushels is "x," and the number of bushels sold over "d" days can be calculated by multiplying the average daily sales ("y") by the number of days ("d"):

Number of bushels sold over "d" days = y * d

Therefore, the formula to find the total change in the number of bushels the farmer has for sale after "d" days becomes:

Total change = x - (y * d)

By substituting the appropriate values for "x," "y," and "d" into the formula, you can calculate the total change in the number of bushels.