A farmer has 120 bushels of con for sale at a​ farmer's market. He sells an average of 15&5/8

bushels each day. After 7 ​days, what is the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale at the​ farmer's market?
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Write a signed number representing the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale.

The farmer sells 15⅝ bushels each day for 7 days.

To find the total number of bushels the farmer sells in 7 days, we multiply the daily amount by the number of days:
15⅝ bushels/day * 7 days = 109⅝ bushels

To find the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale, we subtract the quantity sold from the starting amount:
120 bushels - 109⅝ bushels = 10⅜ bushels

Therefore, the signed number representing the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale is -10⅜ bushels.

To find the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale, we need to calculate the difference between the initial amount of corn and the amount sold after 7 days.

The farmer has 120 bushels of corn for sale initially, and each day he sells an average of 15 & 5/8 bushels. To find out how much corn he sells in 7 days, we can multiply the average daily sales by the number of days:

Average daily sales = 15 & 5/8 bushels/day
Number of days = 7

Total bushels sold = Average daily sales * Number of days
Total bushels sold = 15 & 5/8 * 7

To calculate this, we need to convert 15 & 5/8 to an improper fraction:

15 & 5/8 = 15 + 5/8 = (15 * 8 + 5) / 8 = 125 / 8

Now we can plug in this value to find the total bushels sold:

Total bushels sold = (125 / 8) * 7

To simplify this calculation, we can multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

Total bushels sold = (125 * 7) / (8 * 1) = 875 / 8

Therefore, the farmer sells a total of 875/8 bushels of corn in 7 days.

To calculate the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale, we subtract the total bushels sold from the initial amount of corn:

Change in total number of bushels = Initial amount of corn - Total bushels sold
Change in total number of bushels = 120 - (875/8)

To subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator for 120 and 875/8. The denominator of 120 is 1, and the denominator of 875/8 is 8.

Change in total number of bushels = (120 * 8)/8 - (875/8)
Change in total number of bushels = 960/8 - 875/8

Now we can subtract the fractions:

Change in total number of bushels = (960 - 875)/8
Change in total number of bushels = 85/8

Therefore, the signed number representing the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale is -85/8 (negative because the number of bushels decreases after 7 days).