Answer the questions about the following polynomial.

minus, start fraction, x, to the power 4 , divided by, 9, end fraction, plus, 5


Attempt 1 out of 2

The expression represents a
polynomial with
terms. The constant term is
, the leading term is
, and the leading coefficient is

The expression represents a polynomial with 2 terms. The constant term is 5, the leading term is -(x^4/9), and the leading coefficient is -1/9.

The polynomial in question is - (1/9)x^4 + 5.

There are two terms in this polynomial. The first term is - (1/9)x^4 and the second term is 5.

The constant term in this polynomial is 5, which means that it is the term without any variable raised to a power.

The leading term in this polynomial is - (1/9)x^4, which is the term with the highest power of x.

The leading coefficient in this polynomial is - (1/9), which is the coefficient of the leading term.

To answer the questions about the polynomial, we first need to understand the given expression.

The expression is a polynomial that consists of two terms.

The first term is "-(1/9)x^4". This can be rewritten as "-x^4/9".

The second term is "+5", which is a constant term.

To find the number of terms in a polynomial, we count the number of separate parts in the expression. In this case, there are two terms.

The constant term is the term that does not contain any variables. In this polynomial, the constant term is 5.

The leading term is the term with the highest power of x. In this polynomial, the leading term is -x^4/9.

The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the leading term. In this case, the leading coefficient is -1/9.

So, the answers to the questions are:

- The polynomial has 2 terms.
- The constant term is 5.
- The leading term is -x^4/9.
- The leading coefficient is -1/9.