4+ x^3/2

Attempt 1 out of 2

The expression represents a polynomial with
terms. The constant term is
, the leading term is
, and the leading coefficient is

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms by adding the coefficients of the terms with the same exponent.

The expression 4 + x^(3/2) is a sum of a constant term (4) and one term with an exponent of 3/2.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 4 + x^(3/2).

To simplify the expression 4 + x^(3/2), we will need to evaluate the exponent first.

Recall that raising a number to the power of a fraction is equivalent to taking the root of the number. In this case, the fraction exponent 3/2 can be written as the square root of x cubed.

So, the expression can be simplified as 4 + √(x^3).

However, since there are no like terms in the expression, it cannot be simplified further. Therefore, the simplified expression is 4 + √(x^3).

To simplify the expression 4 + x^(3/2), you need to combine like terms. However, since x^(3/2) is not like a constant (like 4), you cannot directly combine them.

x^(3/2) represents the square root of x cubed. To simplify it further, you can rewrite it as x^(1/2) * x^(1/2) * x, which equals √x * √x * x. This can be simplified as x * √(x^2) * x, which is x * x * √(x^2) or x^2 * √(x^2).

Now, you can rewrite the expression as 4 + x^2 * √(x^2).

Note that with the given expression, there is no way to simplify it further because there are no other terms to combine with.