
What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

(1 point)

economic problems and political violence

economic problems and political violence

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

development of government bureaucracy

overseas conquests and colonization

prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming

development of government bureaucracy

Which of the following groups had the higher social status under the Yuan dynasty?

(1 point)

Song scholar-officials

Song scholar-officials

southern Chinese merchants

southern Chinese merchants

northern Chinese nobles

northern Chinese nobles

Turks and other Muslims

northern Chinese nobles

What effect did the law code of 702 have on Japan?

(1 point)

It strengthened the power of the clans.

It strengthened the power of the clans.

It made the leader of the Yamato clan emperor of the entire country.

It made the leader of the Yamato clan emperor of the entire country.

It made Buddhism the state religion.

It made Buddhism the state religion.

It outlawed the clans.

It strengthened the power of the clans.

Read the following quote from Buddhist scripture Dhammapada.

“Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like); fletchers bend the arrow; carpenters bend a log of wood; wise people master themselves.”

What central part of Buddhism expressed in the quote appealed to samurai who practiced Zen?

(1 point)



self-control and discipline

self-control and discipline



loyalty and obedience

self-control and discipline

What does it reveal about Korean culture?

(1 point)

It was heavily influenced by Japanese culture.

It was heavily influenced by Japanese culture.

It developed in opposition to Chinese culture.

It developed in opposition to Chinese culture.

Its porcelain was imported from elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

Its porcelain was imported from elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

It was influenced by China but developed its own unique style.

It was influenced by China but developed its own unique style.

To answer this question, we need to understand the features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279). The Tang and Song dynasties were both important periods in Chinese history, characterized by distinct features.

To find the answer, we can start by conducting some research on the Tang and Song dynasties. You can use reputable sources such as history books, academic articles, or reliable websites like those of universities or museums. These sources will provide you with detailed information about the dynasties and their notable features.

Here is a brief overview of some of the key features associated with the Tang and Song dynasties:

1. Economic prosperity: Both dynasties saw significant economic growth and prosperity. The Tang dynasty, in particular, experienced a flourishing trade network along the Silk Road, which contributed to economic expansion. The Song dynasty witnessed advancements in agriculture, leading to increased productivity and economic stability.

2. Stable government: The Tang dynasty had a strong centralized government with efficient administration. Similarly, the Song dynasty also had a well-organized bureaucracy, which helped maintain stability and order within the empire.

3. Advances in farming: Both dynasties implemented agricultural advancements that greatly contributed to increased food production and population growth. The Tang dynasty, for instance, introduced new farming techniques and the cultivation of new crops, such as fast-ripening rice. The Song dynasty focused on technology and innovations in irrigation, resulting in improved agricultural productivity.

4. Development of government bureaucracy: Both the Tang and Song dynasties emphasized the establishment and expansion of government bureaucracy. This led to a more efficient and organized governance system, with specialized officials serving in various administrative roles.

Based on the options provided, the correct response would be "prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming" and "development of government bureaucracy." These features align with the historical records of the Tang and Song dynasties.

Remember, it is always recommended to conduct thorough research using reliable sources to obtain accurate and detailed information about historical events and periods.