English writer who created the social contract

The English writer who created the social contract is Thomas Hobbes. In his book, "Leviathan," published in 1651, he described the social contract as a hypothetical agreement where individuals give up some of their rights to a sovereign in exchange for protection and security.

The English writer who created the concept of the social contract is Thomas Hobbes.

The English writer who created the concept of the social contract is Thomas Hobbes. To find the answer to this question, you can start by conducting a simple internet search using any search engine.

First, type in the keywords "English writer who created the social contract". This will give you a list of results that are relevant to your query. You will likely find that Thomas Hobbes is widely recognized as the author who introduced the social contract as a philosophical concept.

To verify this information, you can look for authoritative sources such as academic websites, reputable encyclopedias, or books dedicated to the topic. These sources will provide you with detailed explanations and analysis of Thomas Hobbes' contributions to political philosophy and his development of the concept of the social contract.