There were once approximately 247 lighthouses in Michigan. Now there are only about 100 that are still active.

That means over half of the lighthouses in Michigan are no longer active.

Step 1: The first step is to understand the initial number of lighthouses in Michigan.

According to the information provided, there were once approximately 247 lighthouses in Michigan.

Step 2: The second step is to determine how many active lighthouses there are now.

The information states that there are currently about 100 active lighthouses in Michigan.

Step 3: Subtract the number of active lighthouses from the initial number to find the difference.

To find the difference, subtract the number of active lighthouses (100) from the initial number (247).

247 - 100 = 147

Step 4: The final step is to express the difference.

The difference between the initial number of lighthouses and the current number of active lighthouses in Michigan is 147.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the information given: There were once approximately 247 lighthouses in Michigan, but now there are only about 100 that are still active. We can calculate the difference between the two numbers to determine how many lighthouses are no longer active.

To find the difference, subtract the number of active lighthouses from the total number of lighthouses:
247 - 100 = 147

Hence, there are approximately 147 lighthouses in Michigan that are no longer active.