What is the role of bindin in sea urchin fertilization?

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It is a proteolytic enzyme that aids in passage of the sperm through the egg jelly.

It is a carbohydrate found on the surface of both egg and sperm cell membranes to aid in species recognition.

It is chemoattractant.

It is a protein released by the sperm to bind to the vitelline envelope of the egg.


It is a protein released by the sperm to bind to the vitelline envelope of the egg.


It is a protein released by the sperm to bind to the vitelline envelope of the egg.

The correct answer is d) It is a protein released by the sperm to bind to the vitelline envelope of the egg.

To find the answer to this question, you can search for information on the role of bindin in sea urchin fertilization. Start by using a search engine and entering the keywords "bindin sea urchin fertilization." Look for reliable sources such as scientific articles, academic sources, or reputable websites that specialize in sea urchin biology. By reading through the information provided in these sources, you will find that bindin is a protein released by the sperm that specifically binds to the vitelline envelope of the egg. This binding is a critical step in the fertilization process as it allows the fusion of the sperm and egg membranes, leading to the fusion of their genetic material and the formation of a fertilized embryo.