Sort the situations described according to which type of reference work would be MOST helpful and convenient.

Glossary Dictionary Thesaurus Online-Encyclopedia

1. You have decided that you want to become a film director and want to learn how George Lucas and Seven Spielberg got their start.
2. You are reading a novel and want to knowhow to pronounce the word astrolabe.
3. You are reading a poem in your literature textbook but have forgotten what a simile is.
4. You are writing a essay about Albert Einstein but don't want to keep reusing the word smart.
5. You have to do a report on the Great Depression but are grounded and can't go to the library.
6. You have just heard the word amanuensis on TV and want to know what it means.

1. Online-Encyclopedia (for biographical information on George Lucas and Steven Spielberg)

2. Dictionary (to find the pronunciation of the word astrolabe)
3. Glossary (to quickly refresh your memory on what a simile is)
4. Thesaurus (to find synonyms for the word "smart" to avoid repetition in your essay)
5. Online-Encyclopedia (to research and gather information on the Great Depression)
6. Dictionary (to find the definition of the word "amanuensis")

1. Online-Encyclopedia (to learn about the careers of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg)

2. Dictionary (to find the pronunciation of the word "astrolabe")
3. Glossary (to refresh your memory about the definition of a simile)
4. Thesaurus (to find synonyms for the word "smart" in your essay about Albert Einstein)
5. Online-Encyclopedia (to research and gather information on the topic of the Great Depression)
6. Dictionary (to look up the meaning of the word "amanuensis")

1. Online-Encyclopedia - This would be the most helpful and convenient reference work for learning about the careers of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. An online encyclopedia like Wikipedia often provides detailed information about individuals, including their biographies, filmographies, and notable achievements.

2. Dictionary - When you want to know how to pronounce a word like "astrolabe," a dictionary is the most helpful resource. It provides the pronunciation guide along with definitions, usage examples, and word origins.

3. Glossary - When you come across a term like "simile" in a literature textbook, a glossary would be the most convenient reference work. It provides definitions of terms specific to a particular subject or field, making it easier to understand the concept without having to search through a broader dictionary or encyclopedia.

4. Thesaurus - When writing an essay about Albert Einstein and looking for synonyms to avoid repeating the word "smart," a thesaurus would be the most helpful reference work. It provides alternative words with similar meanings, allowing you to vary your vocabulary and enhance your writing style.

5. Online-Encyclopedia - If you are grounded and unable to go to the library for research on the Great Depression, an online encyclopedia would be the most helpful reference work. It provides comprehensive information about historical events, including causes, impacts, key figures, and other relevant details.

6. Dictionary - When you come across a word like "amanuensis" on TV and want to know its meaning, a dictionary would be the most convenient reference work. It provides definitions, usage examples, and word origins, helping you understand unfamiliar words and concepts.