Kris makes $15 per hour. Jordan makes $45 every 5 hours. Which worker has a higher pay rate?

Jordan, because Kris would have to work 3 hours to make
Kris, because $15/hour is more than Jordan's unit of $9/hour.
Jordan, because $45 is greater than $15.
Kris, because 1 hour is less than 5 hours.

Kris has a pay rate of $15 per hour.

Jordan has a pay rate of $45 every 5 hours, which can be calculated as $45/5 hours = $9 per hour.

Therefore, Kris has a higher pay rate since $15 is more than $9.

To determine which worker has a higher pay rate, we need to compare the amount of money each worker earns per hour.

Kris makes $15 per hour, so Kris's pay rate is $15/hour.

Jordan makes $45 every 5 hours. To find Jordan's pay rate, we divide the total amount earned ($45) by the number of hours worked (5). This gives us a pay rate of $9/hour for Jordan.

Comparing the pay rates, we see that Kris's pay rate of $15/hour is higher than Jordan's pay rate of $9/hour.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Kris, because $15/hour is more than Jordan's unit of $9/hour.

To determine which worker has a higher pay rate, we need to compare the amount each worker earns per hour.

To find Kris's pay rate, we divide the amount Kris makes ($15) by the number of hours worked (1 hour). So Kris's pay rate is $15 per hour.

To find Jordan's pay rate, we divide the amount Jordan makes ($45) by the number of hours worked (5 hours). So Jordan's pay rate is $9 per hour.

Therefore, Kris has a higher pay rate than Jordan because $15 per hour is greater than $9 per hour.