Antwone has a tutoring business. For every hour that he tutors, he makes $30. Select the equation that can be used to determine the total amount of money, y, Antwone makes for tutoring x hours.


x = 30y

y = 30x

x = 3y

y = 3


y = 30x

The correct equation is:

B) y = 30x

This equation represents that the total amount of money, y, Antwone makes for tutoring x hours is calculated by multiplying the number of hours, x, by the rate of $30 per hour.

The correct equation that can be used to determine the total amount of money, y, Antwone makes for tutoring x hours is:

B. y = 30x

The given information states that for every hour that Antwone tutors, he makes $30. The amount of money Antwone makes is dependent on the number of hours he tutors, which is denoted by x. The equation y = 30x represents this relationship, where y represents the total amount of money Antwone makes and x represents the number of hours he tutors.