How long does non-REM sleep last? (1 point) Responses 60-90 minutes 60-90 minutes 80-120 minutes 80-120 minutes 90-110 minutes 90-110 minutes 90-120 minutes

The correct answer is 60-90 minutes.

Non-REM sleep typically lasts for 60-90 minutes.

To determine how long non-REM sleep lasts, we need to look for the correct answer from the given options. Each option has a range of time, so we need to analyze the options and choose the one that is consistently mentioned.

Let's examine the options:

Option 1: 60-90 minutes
Option 2: 80-120 minutes
Option 3: 90-110 minutes
Option 4: 90-120 minutes

Based on the options, we can see that the range of time mentioned most frequently is 90-110 minutes.

Therefore, the answer is that non-REM sleep typically lasts 90-110 minutes.