Which of these is NOT a primitive data structure in Python?

(1 point)








String, Boolean, and float are all primitive data structures in Python. Therefore, set is NOT a primitive data structure in Python.

The correct answer is float. Float is not a primitive data structure in Python.

To determine which option is NOT a primitive data structure in Python, we need to first understand what primitive data structures are in Python.

Primitive data structures in Python are basic data types that are built into the language and do not require any additional libraries or modules to be used. They are the most fundamental building blocks of data organization.

The common primitive data structures in Python include:
1. Integer (int): Represents a whole number, such as 1, 2, or -3.
2. Floating-point (float): Represents decimal numbers, such as 3.14 or -0.5.
3. Boolean (bool): Represents a logical value, either True or False.
4. String (str): Represents a sequence of characters, enclosed in single or double quotes, such as "Hello" or 'World'.
5. None: Represents the absence of a value or a null value.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

1. String: String is indeed a primitive data structure in Python.
2. Boolean: Boolean is also a primitive data structure in Python.
3. Set: Set is a built-in data structure in Python that represents an unordered collection of unique elements. It is not a primitive data structure, but rather a built-in compound data structure.
4. Float: Float is a primitive data structure in Python.

Based on this analysis, the option that is NOT a primitive data structure in Python is "set".