Which formula contains two non-metals?


upper case B lower case A upper case O

upper case N lower case A upper case B lower case R

uppercase K I


upper case S upper case I upper case O2

The formula that contains two non-metals is SiO2.

The formula that contains two non-metals is SiO2.

To determine this, we need to understand the types of elements involved in each formula. Non-metals are elements found on the right side of the periodic table.

In the formula BaO, Ba represents barium, which is a metal, and O represents oxygen, which is a non-metal. Therefore, BaO contains one non-metal.

In the formula NaBr, Na represents sodium, which is a metal, and Br represents bromine, which is a non-metal. Therefore, NaBr contains one non-metal.

In the formula KI, K represents potassium, which is a metal, and I represents iodine, which is a non-metal. Therefore, KI contains one non-metal.

Finally, in the formula SiO2, Si represents silicon, which is a non-metal, and O represents oxygen, which is also a non-metal. Therefore, SiO2 contains two non-metals.