Which fact is true about all words with the root aer?(1 point) Responses They will all sound the same. They will all sound the same. They relate to breathing. They relate to breathing. They relate to air. They relate to air. They will all have the same meaning.

The fact that is true about all words with the root "aer" is: They relate to air.

The fact that is true about all words with the root "aer" is that they relate to air.

The fact that is true about all words with the root "aer" is that they relate to air. To determine this, you can break down the word and analyze its origins. The root "aer" comes from the Greek word "aēr" which means "air." Words such as "aerobic," "aerial," and "aerodynamics" are examples of words with the root "aer" that relate to air. Therefore, the correct answer is "They relate to air."