Which fact is true about all words with the root aer

One fact that is true about all words with the root "aer" is that they are related to air or the atmosphere. Some examples of words with the root "aer" include aerate, aerial, aerodynamics, and aerobics.

One fact that is true about all words with the root "aer" is that they are related to air or the atmosphere. The root "aer" is derived from the Greek word "aēr," which means air. Therefore, words with this root typically have some connection to the concept of air or the atmosphere.

To find a fact that is true about all words with the root "aer," we need to understand the meaning and origin of this root. The root "aer" typically refers to the concept of air or atmosphere. It originates from the Greek word "aēr," which has the same meaning.

With this understanding, we can say that a fact true for all words with the root "aer" is that they are related to air or the atmosphere in some way. For example, aeroplane, aeronautics, aerodynamics, and aerate all contain the root "aer" and are associated with the concept of air or its properties.

To confirm this fact or explore further, you can consult reliable dictionaries, etymology references, word origin resources, or use online search engines. Additionally, you can look into specialized terminology and scientific contexts related to aerology (the study of the atmosphere) and aerospace engineering, which frequently use words with the root "aer."

Which fact is true about all words with the root aer?(1 point)

1. they relate to air
2. they will all sound the same
3. they all have the same meaning
4. they relate to breathing

The correct fact true about all words with the root "aer" is:

1. they relate to air.

Based on your knowledge of the root "audi," which phrase describes an auditory signal?(1 point)

Based on the root "audi," an auditory signal would be described as:

- A sound signal

ased on your knowledge of the root "audi," which phrase describes an auditory signal?(1 point) Responses a signal that is read a signal that is read a signal that is felt a signal that is felt a signal that is seen a signal that is seen a signal that is heard

Based on the root "audi," the phrase that describes an auditory signal is:

- A signal that is heard.