Habeas corpus guarantees which right ?

A- the right to vote
B-the right to have a fair trial
C-the right to be free, unless charged with a crime
D-the ride to speak freely

B- the right to have a fair trial

The correct answer is B - the right to have a fair trial.

Habeas corpus guarantees the right to be free, unless charged with a crime. This means that individuals have the right to be protected against unlawful detention or imprisonment. If a person is detained, they can use the legal principle of habeas corpus to challenge the legality of their detention.

To find the correct answer to this question, one can start by understanding the meaning of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is a Latin term that translates to "you shall have the body." It is a legal principle that ensures individuals have the right to challenge their detention before a court of law, and it prevents the government from holding someone in custody indefinitely without lawful justification.

After understanding the concept of habeas corpus, we can then eliminate answer choices that do not align with this right. Option A, the right to vote, is not directly related to habeas corpus, so we can eliminate it as an answer choice. Option D, the right to speak freely, is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and is not directly connected to habeas corpus.

Now, we are left with two answer choices: B - the right to have a fair trial and C - the right to be free, unless charged with a crime. While both options could be considered important rights, the correct answer for the question is C - the right to be free, unless charged with a crime. This is because habeas corpus primarily focuses on protecting individuals from unlawful detention or imprisonment.