What was the outcome of Johnson's impeachment hearing? Choose the best answer.

Answer 1A: The Senate Overwhelmingly found him guilty
Answer 2B: He was acquitted, or found not guilty, by one vote
Answer 3C: The house found him guilty by a slim margin
Answer 4D: He was found not guilty but was required to leave the office of President

Answer 2B: He was acquitted, or found not guilty, by one vote

Answer 2B: He was acquitted, or found not guilty, by one vote.

To determine the outcome of Johnson's impeachment hearing, it is necessary to examine historical records or references. In this case, you can find the answer by researching reputable sources such as books, online articles, or academic resources that discuss the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson.

You may start by looking up reliable historical accounts of Johnson's impeachment trial. This can include sources like biographies of Andrew Johnson, academic journals discussing the impeachment proceedings, or official government archives. By reviewing these sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the impeachment trial and its outcome.

Once you have obtained the relevant information, you can analyze the provided answer choices to determine the most accurate response. The answer choices provided are:

Answer 1A: The Senate overwhelmingly found him guilty.
Answer 2B: He was acquitted, or found not guilty, by one vote.
Answer 3C: The House found him guilty by a slim margin.
Answer 4D: He was found not guilty but was required to leave the office of President.

By cross-referencing the historical accounts with the answer choices, you can identify the option that aligns with the actual outcome of Johnson's impeachment hearing.