Yesterday in 24 hours jon walked 4,800 steps how many steps did he walk in 8 hours

To find out how many steps Jon walked in 8 hours, we need to determine the average number of steps he walked per hour.

Average number of steps per hour = Total number of steps / Total hours
Average number of steps per hour = 4,800 steps / 24 hours
Average number of steps per hour = 200 steps per hour

So, Jon walked 200 steps in 1 hour. Now, we can determine how many steps he walked in 8 hours.

Total steps in 8 hours = Average steps per hour * Total hours
Total steps in 8 hours = 200 steps/hour * 8 hours
Total steps in 8 hours = 1600 steps

Therefore, Jon walked 1600 steps in 8 hours.

To find out how many steps Jon walked in 8 hours, we can use the concept of proportionality. Since Jon walked 4,800 steps in 24 hours, we can set up a proportion to solve for the number of steps he walked in 8 hours.

Let's assume x represents the number of steps Jon walked in 8 hours.

We can set up the proportion as follows:

\(\frac{4800}{24} = \frac{x}{8}\)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

\(4800 \cdot 8 = 24 \cdot x\)

\(38400 = 24x\)

Finally, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 24:

\(\frac{38400}{24} = x\)

\(1600 = x\)

Therefore, Jon walked 1,600 steps in 8 hours.

To find out how many steps Jon walked in 8 hours, we'll need to use the information provided.

First, we know that Jon walked 4,800 steps in 24 hours. We can use this information to determine the number of steps he walked in one hour.

To do this, we divide the total number of steps walked (4,800) by the total number of hours (24):

4,800 steps ÷ 24 hours = 200 steps per hour

Now that we know Jon walks 200 steps per hour, we can calculate the number of steps he walked in 8 hours.

To do this, we multiply the number of steps per hour (200) by the number of hours walked (8):

200 steps per hour × 8 hours = 1,600 steps

Therefore, Jon walked 1,600 steps in 8 hours.