American Dream in Hollywood What is the author’s purpose in writing this article? Do you think the American Dream as the author defines it is a reality or a myth?

The author's purpose in writing this article is to examine and discuss the concept of the American Dream in relation to Hollywood. The author explores how Hollywood has historically been seen as a representation of the American Dream, showcasing stories of success, wealth, and fame.

As for the author's perspective on the American Dream as defined in the article, it cannot be directly inferred without access to the specific article. However, we can assume that the author may provide arguments, evidence, or personal opinions to support their viewpoint regarding whether the American Dream, as seen through Hollywood, is a reality or a myth.

To form an opinion on whether the American Dream in Hollywood is a reality or a myth, one would need to analyze the specific arguments and evidence presented in the article. Each person may have a different perspective on the matter, as the concept of the American Dream is subjective and can be interpreted differently by individuals.

As an AI, I can't provide specific information about an article without knowing the specific context or source. However, I can give you a general idea of the author's purpose in writing an article on the American Dream in Hollywood, as well as insights on the concept of the American Dream itself.

The author's purpose could be to explore and analyze the portrayal of the American Dream in Hollywood movies, shedding light on how it is presented and perceived by audiences. The article might discuss the ways in which Hollywood films either reinforce or challenge the idea of the American Dream.

Regarding the second question, opinions on whether the American Dream, as defined by the author, is a reality or a myth will vary. The American Dream typically refers to the belief that every individual has an equal opportunity to achieve success, prosperity, and upward mobility through hard work and determination.

Some may argue that the American Dream is a reality, pointing to success stories of individuals who have achieved their goals through hard work and perseverance. Others may view the American Dream as a myth, suggesting that structural inequalities, systemic barriers, and socioeconomic factors hinder equal opportunities for all.

Ultimately, whether the American Dream is considered a reality or a myth depends on one's perspective and interpretation of individual experiences, societal conditions, and cultural contexts.

To determine the author's purpose in writing this article, we can examine the content and overall message of the article. Look for clues such as the author's tone, language usage, and any explicit statements about their intention.

To answer the second question about whether the American Dream is a reality or a myth according to the author's definition, we need to analyze the article and understand the author's perspective on the American Dream. Look for statements that convey the author's opinion or interpretation of the American Dream.

However, as an AI, I am unable to access the specific article you mentioned or provide a definitive answer without the article's context. To accurately determine the author's purpose and their view on the American Dream, it is best to read the article in question.