Which of the following is most likely the author’s purpose in writing an article explaining the importance of voting? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


to inform

to entertain

to record

to evaluate

to persuade

q1: to inform and to persuade

q2: The reason the author is writing the story
q3: purpose
q4: people who want to be entertained

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To determine the author's purpose in writing an article, we need to analyze the content and the tone of the article. In this case, the article explains the importance of voting, which suggests that the author's primary purpose is to inform the readers. By presenting information about voting, the author aims to educate and raise awareness about the significance of participating in elections. Therefore, "to inform" would be a correct answer.

Additionally, the author may also intend to persuade the readers to vote. Persuasive writing attempts to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. In this case, the author may use arguments, facts, and examples to encourage readers to recognize their civic duty and actively participate in the democratic process. Hence, "to persuade" would also be a correct answer.

The other options, such as "to entertain," "to record," and "to evaluate," do not align with the purpose of this article, as they are either unrelated or not relevant in this context.

The two correct answers are:

1. To inform
2. To persuade