At the beginning of the novel, George and Lennie are fleeing which town?


c) Weed

At the beginning of the novel, George and Lennie are fleeing the town of Weed.

To find the answer to the question, we can look for information about the novel mentioned at the beginning. In this case, the novel being referred to is not specified, so let's assume it is the famous novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck.

To find out which town George and Lennie are fleeing at the beginning of "Of Mice and Men," we can:

1. Search for a summary of the novel: You can search for a summary of "Of Mice and Men" using a search engine like Google. Look for summaries that provide an overview of the plot, including the events at the beginning of the story.

2. Read the novel: If you have access to the novel, you can read it to find the answer. Start from the beginning of the story, paying attention to the location mentioned where George and Lennie are fleeing.

Based on the options provided (a. Cairo, b. Austin, c. Weed, d. Salinas) and the knowledge from reading or researching, the correct answer is c. Weed. In "Of Mice and Men," George and Lennie are forced to flee the town of Weed due to a misunderstanding that results in a dangerous situation.