what is belive in rights widsdom and virtral of common people

the name

of the belief system you are referring to is most likely "democracy." Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the common people, who exercise their rights and make collective decisions through voting. It is based on the principles of respecting individual rights, valuing wisdom, and promoting virtuous behavior among the citizens.

The belief in the rights, wisdom, and virtues of common people is often referred to as populism. Populism typically advocates for policies that prioritize the needs and desires of the ordinary citizens, empowering them and challenging the influence of established elites. It is a political ideology that emphasizes the belief that the fundamental power lies with the common people and that their voices should be heard and respected in decision-making processes.

I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble understanding your question. Are you asking for the name of a belief system that values the rights, wisdom, and virtues of common people?