Which historical documents help shape the colonist's views of government?(1 point)


Magna Carta, Iroquois Constitution, Common Sense

Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Common Sense

Virginia Declaration of Rights, Common Sense, Bill of Rights

Common Sense, Articles of Confederation, Declaration of the Rights of Man

Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Common Sense

Which sentence includes a dependent clause?(1 point)


It was a fancy hat!

Today is her 16th birthday.

The package was heavy.

She smiled as she opened the package.

She smiled as she opened the package.

Which option means “a group of words that has a subject and a predicate and is a complete sentence?”(1 point)


noun phrase

dependent clause

independent clause

prepositional phrase

independent clause

Which sentence begins with a dependent clause?(1 point)


The children decided to play soccer in the park near their house.

When we go to school in the morning, we need to take our lunches and our backpacks.

My friends and I are going camping today, and tomorrow my cousin is going to join us!

My dad is looking for his shoes while our dog is burying them in the garden.

When we go to school in the morning, we need to take our lunches and our backpacks.

Which of the following describes the difference between a clause and a phrase? (1 point)


A clause has commas around it or after it, but a phrase does not.

A clause occurs at the beginning of a sentence, but a phrase does not.

A clause modifies another word in the sentence, but a phrase does not.

A clause has a subject and a verb, but a phrase does not.

A clause has a subject and a verb, but a phrase does not.

The correct answer is option B: Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Common Sense. These historical documents played a significant role in shaping the colonists' views of government during the colonial period.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options provided:
- Option A includes the Magna Carta and Common Sense, but the Iroquois Constitution is not directly related to the colonists' views of government.
- Option C includes the Virginia Declaration of Rights, Common Sense, and the Bill of Rights. While the Virginia Declaration of Rights is relevant, the Bill of Rights was not created until after the American Revolution.
- Option D mentions Common Sense, the Articles of Confederation, and the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Although Common Sense is relevant, the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of the Rights of Man are not directly connected to the colonists.

By a process of elimination, option B is the correct answer as it includes the Magna Carta, which influenced the colonists' perception of limited government and individual rights, and the Mayflower Compact, which was a precursor to self-government in the colonies. Additionally, Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, played a vital role in advocating for American independence and democratic principles.