Mrs. Beckner is going to Hawaii. She plans to learn to surf. The Surf Hut company charges an initial fee of $65 for the lesson plus $2.50 for each hour she uses the surfboard.

Write a function for the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental.

To calculate the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental for Mrs. Beckner, you can write a function in any programming language. Here's an example in Python:

def calculate_cost(hours):
initial_fee = 65
hourly_rate = 2.50
total_cost = initial_fee + (hours * hourly_rate)
return total_cost

In this function, we define the initial fee as $65 and the hourly rate as $2.50. The function takes the number of hours as the input, and then calculates the total cost by adding the initial fee to the product of the hourly rate and the number of hours. Finally, it returns the total cost.

You can use this function by calling it and passing the number of hours as an argument. For example:

hours = 3
total_cost = calculate_cost(hours)
print("The total cost for the surf lesson and surfboard rental is $", total_cost)

This will output: "The total cost for the surf lesson and surfboard rental is $72.50", assuming Mrs. Beckner rented the surfboard for 3 hours.

The function could be written as:

def total_cost(hours):
initial_fee = 65
hourly_rate = 2.50
cost = initial_fee + (hours * hourly_rate)
return cost

In this function, the parameter "hours" represents the number of hours Mrs. Beckner plans to use the surfboard. The function calculates the total cost by adding the initial fee of $65 to the product of the number of hours and the hourly rate of $2.50. The result is then returned as the final cost.

To calculate the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental, you can use the following function:

def calculate_total_cost(hour):
initial_fee = 65
hourly_rate = 2.50
total_cost = initial_fee + (hourly_rate * hour)
return total_cost

In the above function, the `calculate_total_cost` function takes one parameter `hour`, which represents the number of hours Mrs. Beckner plans to use the surfboard. It then calculates the total cost by adding the initial fee of $65 with the hourly rate of $2.50 multiplied by the number of hours. Finally, it returns the total cost.