Mrs. Beckner is going to Hawaii. She plans to learn to surf. The Surf Hut company charges an initial fee of $65 for the lesson plus $2.50 for each hour she uses the surfboard.(2 points)

The number of hours is the
The total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard is the
Question 5
Write a function for the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental.(1 point)

Let's define the function T(h) as the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental, where h represents the number of hours Mrs. Beckner uses the surfboard.

T(h) = 65 + 2.50h

To write a function for the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental, you can use the equation:

Total cost = $65 (initial fee) + ($2.50 per hour) * (number of hours)

In mathematical notation, the function can be written as:

Cost(number of hours) = 65 + 2.50 * number of hours

To calculate the total cost of the surf lesson and surfboard rental, we can use the given information: an initial fee of $65 and $2.50 for each hour Mrs. Beckner uses the surfboard.

We can write a function to represent this calculation. Let's call the function "calculateTotalCost" and define it as follows:

def calculateTotalCost(hours):
initialFee = 65
costPerHour = 2.50

totalCost = initialFee + (hours * costPerHour)

return totalCost

In this function, we assign the initial fee to the variable `initialFee` and the cost per hour to the variable `costPerHour`. To calculate the total cost, we multiply the number of hours `hours` by the cost per hour and add the initial fee. This final cost is stored in the variable `totalCost`.

Finally, we return the `totalCost` as the output of the function.

To use this function, you need to provide the number of hours as an argument when calling the function. For example, if Mrs. Beckner plans to use the surfboard for 3 hours, you can call the function like this:

totalCost = calculateTotalCost(3)

This will calculate the total cost for a 3-hour surf lesson and surfboard rental and print the result.