If a football match is 40 take place at 4:00pm.

Tuesday in a town on longitude of 60at.what will on the longitude 75west tune in their radio for the match?

To determine the time in a town on longitude 75° west, we need to calculate the time difference between the two longitudes.

The time difference between two longitudes can be calculated using the formula:
Time difference = (longitude difference / 15) * 1 hour

Longitude difference between 60° east and 75° west:
60° (from the given town) + 180° (since we are converting to the west) + 75° (to the desired town) = 315°

Time difference = (315° / 15) * 1 hour = 21 hours

Since the given match is scheduled to take place at 4:00 pm, adding the time difference of 21 hours will give us:
4:00 pm + 21 hours = 1:00 pm (next day)

Therefore, people in the town on longitude 75° west should tune in their radio for the match at 1:00 pm (next day) in their local time.

What is the approximate distance of Liberia (latitude 60west and 30 east) from the equator?

To find the approximate distance of Liberia from the equator, we can calculate the average between the latitudes of 60° west and 30° east.

Latitude 60° west is a negative value because it lies in the western hemisphere. So we have -60°.

Latitude 30° east is a positive value because it lies in the eastern hemisphere. So we have +30°.

Average latitude = (-60° + 30°) / 2 = -30°

The distance from the equator to -30° latitude is 30°.

Therefore, the approximate distance of Liberia from the equator is 30°.

During a football match, the referee observe that the local time was was noon while Greenwich mean time was 16:16hrs.What is the longitude of the place where match was played?

To find the longitude of the place where the match was played, we need to determine the time difference between the local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Local time = noon
GMT = 16:16

Let's convert the GMT time to a 24-hour format for ease of calculation:
16:16 = 16 hours + (16/60) hours = 16.27 hours (approximately)

Now, let's determine the time difference between local time and GMT:
Time difference = GMT - Local time = 16.27 hours - 12 hours = 4.27 hours (approximately)

Since every 15° of longitude represents 1 hour in time difference, we can use this ratio to find the longitude.
1 hour = 15°

Longitude represented by the time difference of 4.27 hours:
4.27 hours * 15°/hour = 64.05° (approximately)

Therefore, the longitude of the place where the match was played is approximately 64.05°.

To determine what time it will be in a town with a longitude of 75 West when the football match takes place at 4:00 pm on Tuesday in a town with a longitude of 60 East, you need to calculate the time difference between the two longitudes.

1. Calculate the time difference between the two longitudes:
- 60 East - (-75 West) = 60 + 75 = 135 degrees

2. Determine the time difference for each degree of longitude:
- Each degree of longitude represents 4 minutes of time difference.

3. Calculate the total time difference between the two longitudes:
- 135 degrees x 4 minutes/degree = 540 minutes

4. Convert the time difference to hours:
- 540 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 9 hours

5. Determine the resulting time in the town with a longitude of -75 West:
- If the football match is at 4:00 pm, adding 9 hours will give you:
4:00 pm + 9 hours = 1:00 am (the next day)

Therefore, people in a town with a longitude of -75 West should tune in to their radio at 1:00 am (the next day) to listen to the match.

To determine the time that someone on a different longitude will need to tune in their radio for the football match, we need to calculate the time difference between the two longitudes.

Let's start by converting the longitudes mentioned in the question:
Longitude 1: 60°E
Longitude 2: 75°W

Now, let's determine the time conversion between these two longitudes. Generally, we assume that each degree of longitude is equal to 4 minutes of time difference (since 360° equals 24 hours, or 1 day):

Time difference per degree = 4 minutes

Given that the longitudes have a difference of 135° (60° - (-75°) = 135°), we can calculate the time difference between them:

Time difference = Time difference per degree * Longitude difference
Time difference = 4 minutes/degree * 135 degrees

Time difference = 540 minutes

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can convert the time difference to hours:

Time difference = 540 minutes / 60 minutes/hour
Time difference = 9 hours

Therefore, the people at longitude 75°W will need to tune in their radio 9 hours earlier than the scheduled time of 4:00pm.

To find out the exact time they should tune in, subtract 9 hours from 4:00pm:

4:00pm - 9 hours = 7:00am

The people at longitude 75°W should tune in their radio at 7:00am to listen to the football match.