What is a rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor?(1 point)


Use informal language.

Avoid unusual fonts.

Go off topic.

Send it without editing it.

Avoid unusual fonts.

The rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor is to avoid unusual fonts.

The correct rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor is to avoid using informal language.

To explain how to arrive at this answer, let's analyze each response option:
1. "Use informal language" is incorrect because when writing a letter to a supervisor, it is important to maintain a professional tone and use formal language.
2. "Avoid unusual fonts" is not specifically related to the content or style of the letter but rather focuses on the visual aspect. While it is important to use a standard font, this is not the primary rule to follow when writing the letter.
3. "Go off topic" is clearly incorrect, as you should always stay focused on the purpose of the letter and avoid straying from the main point or discussing irrelevant topics.
4. "Send it without editing it" is also incorrect because editing is an important step in the writing process. It helps to improve clarity, correct errors, and ensure the letter is well-organized and professional.

Therefore, the correct rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor is to use formal language, which means avoiding informal expressions and maintaining a professional tone throughout the letter.