What is a rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor? (1 point)

• Send it without editing it.
• Use informal language.
• Go off topic.
• Avoid unusual fonts.

Avoid unusual fonts.

A rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor is to avoid unusual fonts.

The correct rule to follow when writing a letter to a supervisor is to "avoid unusual fonts."

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the purpose and expectations of writing a letter to a supervisor. A letter to a supervisor is a formal communication that requires professionalism and respect. Therefore, using unusual fonts would be considered unprofessional and may make the communication difficult to read or understand.

To get to the correct answer, we can eliminate the other options:
- Sending the letter without editing it is incorrect as it implies not taking the time to review and correct any mistakes or ensure clarity.
- Using informal language is also incorrect because letters to supervisors require a formal tone and professional language.
- Going off-topic is incorrect because a letter to a supervisor should focus on the specific subject or concern being addressed and not deviate from it.

Therefore, the correct rule to follow is to avoid unusual fonts. This ensures that the letter maintains a professional appearance and is easy for the supervisor to read and understand.