Vicky bought 3 1/2 pounds or orange. Each pounds costs $3.90. Which of the following equations represents the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges and the amount of money she spent ?

The equation that represents the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges is:

c = (3 1/2) * 3.90

To determine the total cost, we can multiply the weight of the oranges by the cost per pound.

Given that Vicky bought 3 1/2 pounds of oranges and each pound costs $3.90, we can represent the total cost, c, as:

c = (3 1/2) * $3.90

First, let's convert 3 1/2 into a mixed fraction:
3 1/2 = (3*2 + 1)/2 = 7/2

Now, substitute the value of 3 1/2 into the equation:
c = (7/2) * $3.90

Finally, multiply the fractions and simplify:
c = 7/2 * $3.90 = $27.30

Therefore, the equation that represents the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges is c = $27.30.

To find the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges, we need to multiply the weight of the oranges by the cost per pound.

First, let's convert 3 1/2 pounds to an improper fraction. We can do this by multiplying the whole number (3) by the denominator (2) and adding the numerator (1). This gives us (3 * 2) + 1 = 7. So, Vicky bought 7/2 pounds of oranges.

Next, we multiply the weight (7/2 pounds) by the cost per pound ($3.90). To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together. This gives us (7/2) * $3.90.

Finally, we simplify the expression by multiplying the numerator (7) by the cost per pound ($3.90) and then dividing by the denominator (2). This gives us (7 * $3.90) / 2.

Therefore, the equation that represents the total cost, c, Vicky paid for the oranges is:
c = (7 * $3.90) / 2