Does this number sentence accurately represent the word sentence?

Six times a number n is greater than or equal to y plus two.

6n ≥ y + 2

Select the correct answer.

Question 1 options:




Solve this problem.

A number c decreased by 9 is less than or equal to 20. Find c.

Select the correct answer.

Question 2 options:

Mathml image 1

Mathml image 2

Mathml image 3

Mathml image 4

To solve this problem, we need to set up the inequality and solve for c. The sentence "A number c decreased by 9 is less than or equal to 20" can be represented as:

c - 9 ≤ 20

To solve for c, we can add 9 to both sides of the inequality:

c - 9 + 9 ≤ 20 + 9

This simplifies to:

c ≤ 29

Therefore, the value of c is less than or equal to 29.

The correct answer is Mathml image 3.

Is this the correct solution?

6 x ⁢   ≥   50 This is an illustration of red arrow pointing to the right. straight x space greater or equal than space 8 1 third

Select the correct answer.

Question 3 options:




Does this number sentence accurately represent the word sentence?

Thirteen times a number m is greater than or equal to three hundred.

13m ≤ 300

Select the correct answer.

Question 4 options:




Is this an algebraic or a numerical expression?

n(6) - 17

Select the correct answer.

Question 5 options:

numerical expression

algebraic expression

This is an algebraic expression.

Question 6 options:

Solve this problem.

Suppose you eat 3 tablespoons of peanut butter a day. Three tablespoons of peanut butter provides you with twelve grams of protein. If you need 44 grams of protein a day, how many more grams of protein are required?

Blank Space__________grams