Write an inequality to represent the following statement. Eight times a number y subtracted by 12 is greater than −5 .(1 point)

8y - 12 > -5

Write an inequality to represent the following statement. Fourteen more than six times a number n is less than or equal to 22.(1 point)

6n + 14 ≤ 22

Solve the inequality: 8d−13<83 .(1 point)

To solve the inequality, isolate the variable d by adding 13 to both sides of the inequality:

8d - 13 + 13 < 83 + 13

8d < 96

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by 8 to solve for d:

(8d)/8 < 96/8

d < 12

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is d < 12.

Solve the inequality: −4f−3≥65 .(1 point)

To solve the inequality, isolate the variable f by adding 3 to both sides and then dividing by -4.

-4f - 3 + 3 ≥ 65 + 3

-4f ≥ 68

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -4, remembering to flip the inequality sign when dividing by a negative number:

( -4f ) / ( -4 ) ≤ 68 / ( -4 )

f ≤ -17

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is f ≤ -17.

Solve the inequality: −10f+9≤102 . Use decimal form to answer to the nearest tenth.(1 point)

To solve the inequality, isolate the variable f by subtracting 9 from both sides:

-10f + 9 - 9 ≤ 102 - 9

-10f ≤ 93

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -10, remembering to flip the inequality sign when dividing by a negative number:

(-10f) / (-10) ≥ 93 / (-10)

f ≥ -9.3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is f ≥ -9.3.