Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

Did you drive to the grocery. store today?
(1 point)
• adjective phrase
• adverb phrase
• appositive phrase

adverb phrase

Identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase in each sentence.

Ms. Reyes, my English teacher, is fluent in Spanish and French.
(1 point)
• adjective phrase
• adverb phrase
• appositive phrase

appositive phrase

The underlined phrase in the sentence "Did you drive to the grocery store today?" is "to the grocery store." This phrase describes the destination or location where the person drove. It functions as an adverb phrase.

To identify the choice that best describes the underlined phrase, we need to first understand what an adjective phrase, adverb phrase, and appositive phrase are.

1. Adjective phrase: This is a group of words that functions as an adjective to describe or modify a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It typically answers questions such as "What kind?" or "Which one?"

2. Adverb phrase: This is a group of words that functions as an adverb to modify a verb, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. It typically answers questions such as "How?" "When?" "Where?" or "To what extent?"

3. Appositive phrase: This is a noun or noun phrase that renames or provides additional information about another noun or pronoun in a sentence.

Now, let's analyze the underlined phrase "to the grocery store" in the given sentence:

- This phrase does not describe or modify the noun "you," so it is not an adjective phrase.
- Also, it does not modify the verb "drive" or provide information about how, when, where, or to what extent the driving occurred, so it is not an adverb phrase.

Based on this analysis, the underlined phrase "to the grocery store" is an appositive phrase as it provides additional information about the noun "grocery store" by specifying its location.