Add  510−−√ + 10−−√ .(1 point)

To add 510−−√ and 10−−√, we can combine their like terms. Since both terms have a square root, we cannot simplify any further. Therefore, the sum is simply 510−−√ + 10−−√.


To add √510 and √10 together:

First, simplify √510.
We can write 510 as 10 * 51. So, √510 = √(10 * 51).
Since √(a * b) = √a * √b, we can simplify it further to:
√510 = √10 * √51.

Next, simplify √10.
Since 10 is a perfect square, it can be simplified to:
√10 = √(2 * 5).
Since √(a * b) = √a * √b, we can simplify it further to:
√10 = √2 * √5.

Now, simplify √51:
Since 51 is not a perfect square, we cannot simplify it further.

Now, let's put it all together:
√510 + √10 = (√10 * √51) + (√2 * √5).

We cannot add these terms further since they have different square roots.

So, the final answer is (√10 * √51) + (√2 * √5), which cannot be simplified further.

To add the given expressions, we need to simplify the square roots first.

Let's simplify √510 and √10 individually:

√510 = √(10 * 51) = √10 * √51 ≈ 3.16 * √51
√10 ≈ 3.16

Now, we can add the simplified expressions:

√510 + √10 ≈ 3.16 * √51 + 3.16

Since the expressions do not have a common radical term, we cannot further simplify it.

Therefore, the final answer is 3.16 * √51 + 3.16.