Add 510−−√ + 10−−√.(1 point) Responses 620−−√ 6 Start Root 20 End Root 60−−√ Start Root 60 End Root 25−−√ Start Root 25 End Root 610−−√

To add 510−−√ and 10−−√, we need to simplify each square root individually first.

Starting with 510−−√, we can simplify it as follows:
510−−√ = √(5^10) = √(5^5 * 5^5) = √(25^5) = 25−−√ * 5 = 5 * 5 = 25.

Next, let's simplify 10−−√:
10−−√ = √10 = √(2 * 5) = √2 * √5 = √2 * √5.

Now, let's add the simplified square roots:
25 + √2 * √5.

Since we cannot simplify the sum of square roots any further, we can leave it as it is:
25 + √2 * √5.

To simplify the expression 510−−√ + 10−−√, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the square roots separately.

The square root of 5 can be simplified as √5 because 5 is not a perfect square.

The square root of 10 can also be simplified as √10 because 10 is not a perfect square.

Step 2: Combine the simplified square roots.

√5 + √10

Step 3: Simplify the expression further.

Since the square roots are not like terms, they cannot be directly added or subtracted. Therefore, the expression cannot be simplified any further.

So, the simplified form of 510−−√ + 10−−√ is √5 + √10.

To simplify the expression 510−−√ + 10−−√, we first simplify the square roots separately.

The square root of 5 can be written as √5 and the square root of 10 can be written as √10.

However, these square roots cannot be simplified any further because the numbers inside the square roots are not perfect squares.

Therefore, the simplified expression is √5 + √10.