Suppose you want to change an existing program to have more of a modular architecture. The program contains a basic calculator program. Which of the following would be an appropriate attribute for the calculator class?(1 point)


number 1


The appropriate attribute for the calculator class would be "calculate".

To determine an appropriate attribute for the calculator class to make it more modular, we need to understand the purpose of an attribute. In object-oriented programming, attributes represent the data or properties of an object.

Out of the options you provided, "calculate", "addition", "subtraction", and "number 1", some seem more appropriate than others.

1. "Calculate" doesn't make sense as an attribute because it represents an action or behavior, not a property or data of the calculator object.
2. "Addition" and "subtraction" seem to represent the operations that the calculator performs. While these could be valid methods (functions) of the calculator class, they are not suitable attributes.
3. "Number 1" also doesn't seem appropriate as an attribute. It may represent an initial value or operand for calculations, but it would be better suited as a method argument or a variable inside a method, rather than an attribute of the calculator class.

In a modular architecture, it's essential to define attributes that encapsulate the state or properties of the object. An appropriate attribute for the calculator class could be something like "currentValue" or "result". This attribute would hold the current value of the calculator or the result of the previous calculation, allowing for easy access and modification as needed.