How is gravitational lensing related to dark matter?(1 point)


The gravity of dark matter absorbs light from distant sources.
The gravity of dark matter absorbs light from distant sources.
Dark matter emits lens-shaped rings of light.
Dark matter emits lens-shaped rings of light.
The gravity of dark matter distorts light from distant sources.
The gravity of dark matter distorts light from distant sources.
Dark matter uses gravitational lensing to create dark energy.
Dark matter uses gravitational lensing to create dark energy.

The gravity of dark matter distorts light from distant sources.

The correct response is: The gravity of dark matter distorts light from distant sources. Gravitational lensing refers to the bending or distortion of light by gravitational forces. Dark matter, which exerts gravitational force due to its mass, can cause gravitational lensing by distorting the path of light passing through it. This distortion can result in the amplification or magnification of light from distant sources, allowing us to study and observe objects that would otherwise be too faint or distant to detect.

The correct answer is: "The gravity of dark matter distorts light from distant sources."

Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon that occurs when the path of light from a distant source is bent or distorted by the gravitational field of a massive object (such as a galaxy or a cluster of galaxies) that lies between the source and the observer. This distortion of light can lead to the formation of multiple images, arcs, or even complete rings known as Einstein rings.

Dark matter, which is believed to make up a significant portion of the total matter in the universe, has a gravitational effect on the surrounding space. This means that dark matter can also act as a gravitational lens, distorting the light from distant sources as it passes through regions where dark matter is present. By studying the distribution of dark matter and the effects it has on gravitational lensing, scientists can indirectly map the distribution of dark matter in the universe.

Therefore, the gravity of dark matter is related to gravitational lensing because it is the gravitational field of dark matter that distorts the light from distant sources. The study of gravitational lensing can provide valuable insights into the nature and distribution of dark matter in the cosmos.