Drag the words to the boxes in the sentences to show how religion spread throughout Southeast Asia.

fill in the blank

After the Han Chinese conquered what is now Vietnam, the Vietnamese people adopted ______ In the Philippines, a sultanate controlled the area which led to the spread of ________

in the area.

buddhism, confucianism, daoism

hinduism and islam



After the Han Chinese conquered what is now Vietnam, the Vietnamese people adopted Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism in the area.

In the Philippines, a sultanate controlled the area which led to the spread of Islam in the area.

After the Han Chinese conquered what is now Vietnam, the Vietnamese people adopted Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. In the Philippines, a sultanate controlled the area which led to the spread of Islam in the area.

After the Han Chinese conquered what is now Vietnam, the Vietnamese people adopted **Confucianism**. In the Philippines, a sultanate controlled the area which led to the spread of **Islam** in the area.

To answer this question, we need to understand the historical context of Southeast Asia.

1. Start by knowing the main religions that spread throughout Southeast Asia. These include Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, and Islam.

2. Understand the historical events that occurred in the region. In this case, the question mentions the Han Chinese conquest of Vietnam and the control of the Philippines by a sultanate.

3. Analyze the impact of these events on the adoption and spread of religions in the specific regions mentioned. In the case of Vietnam, the influence of Chinese culture led to the adoption of Confucianism by the Vietnamese people. In the Philippines, the presence of a sultanate facilitated the spread of Islam.

Based on this information, we can conclude that Buddhism, Daoism, and Hinduism are not directly related to the mentioned historical events, so they are not the correct answers. Confucianism is linked to the Han Chinese influence in Vietnam, and Islam is connected to the sultanate's control in the Philippines.