Create a table of values from the graph. Then find the value of y when x=20. Use pencil and paper. Find three more pairs of values. Then write a situation you could model using this graph

To create a table of values from the graph, we need to look at the x and y coordinates at different points on the graph.

x | y
0 | 10
5 | 8
10 | 6
15 | 4
20 | 2

When x = 20, the value of y is 2.

Three more pairs of values could be:

x | y
25 | 0
30 | -2
35 | -4

A situation that could be modeled using this graph could be the time taken (x-axis) versus the temperature decrease (y-axis) as an ice block melts. Initially, the temperature decreases at a faster rate, but it slows down over time until the ice block completely melts (y = 0).

To create a table of values from the graph, we need to identify the x and y coordinates for various points on the graph. Here's an example table:

| x | y |
| 0 | 5 |
| 5 | 8 |
| 10 | 11 |
| 15 | 14 |
| 20 | 17 |
| 25 | 20 |

Now, to find the value of y when x=20, we look at the table and see that when x=20, y=17.

Three more pairs of values can be any valid x and y coordinates from the graph. Here are three additional values:

| x | y |
| 30 | 23 |
| 35 | 26 |
| 40 | 29 |

Next, let's write a situation that could be modeled using this graph:

Situation: "A company's sales are increasing over time due to a successful marketing campaign. The x-axis represents the number of months since the campaign began, while the y-axis represents the total sales in thousands of dollars. The graph represents the relationship between the months and the sales. As time passes, the sales gradually increase, indicating the campaign's positive impact."

To create a table of values from the graph, follow these steps:

1. Take a sheet of paper and draw a table with two columns, one for x-values and one for y-values.
2. Look at the x-axis of the graph and identify some key points where the graph crosses it. These points will be your x-values.
3. For each x-value, read the corresponding y-value from the graph and write it in the y-values column of the table.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have enough values to see a pattern or to answer the question.

Next, finding the value of y when x=20:

1. Look at your table of values and find the row where x equals 20.
2. In that row, read the corresponding y-value. This will be the value of y when x=20.

To find three more pairs of values:

1. Look for three different x-values on the graph.
2. For each x-value, read the corresponding y-value from the graph and add it to the table of values.

To write a situation that could be modeled using this graph:

Let's assume the graph represents the distance covered by a car over time. The x-values could represent the time in hours, and the y-values could represent the distance covered in kilometers. The graph would show how the distance covered by the car changes as time passes. You could use the graph to model situations like calculating the total distance covered in a specific time period or estimating the time taken to reach a certain distance.