Create a table of values from the graph. Then find the value of y when x=20. Use pencil and paper. Find three more pairs of values. Then write a situation you could model using this graph Create a table of values from the graph. Then find the value of y when x=20. Use pencil and paper. Find three more pairs of values. Then write a situation you could model using this graph

Since I cannot see the graph you are referring to, I cannot provide an accurate table of values or find specific pairs of values. However, I can help you understand the process involved in creating a table of values, finding the value of y when x=20, and modeling a situation using a graph.

To create a table of values from a graph, you need to identify the x-values and corresponding y-values at different points on the graph. For example, if the graph shows a line passing through the points (2, 4), (4, 8), (6, 12), and (8, 16), then the table of values would look like this:

x | y
2 | 4
4 | 8
6 | 12
8 | 16

To find the value of y when x=20, you would need the specific information from the graph. Suppose the graph is a straight line passing through the point (10, 30). You can use the equation of a straight line (y = mx + c) to find the value of y when x=20. First, calculate the slope (m) of the line using the given point (10, 30) and another point on the line. Then, substitute the x-value (20) into the equation and solve for y. However, without the specific graph details, I cannot provide an accurate value of y when x=20 or three more pairs of values.

Lastly, to write a situation you could model using this graph, you need to consider the relationship between the x and y-values. Suppose the graph represents the amount of money earned (y) by an individual based on the number of hours worked (x) per week. The equation of the line could represent a linear relationship, where the earning rate remains constant per hour. Using this model, you could determine the amount of money earned after working a specific number of hours.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the capability to create or draw a table or graph. However, I can guide you on how to create a table of values from a given graph and help you find the value of y when x=20.

To create a table of values from a given graph:

1. Examine the x-axis and identify the intervals between the marked numbers or gridlines.
2. Choose a suitable range for the x-values that you want to include in your table.
3. Write down a list of x-values within that range, including the endpoint values if necessary.
4. For each x-value, locate the corresponding point on the graph and determine the y-value.
5. Record these pairs of x and y-values in the table.

Here's an example of a table of values:

| x | y |
| 10 | 2 |
| 15 | 5 |
| 20 | ? |
| 25 | 8 |
| 30 | 11 |

To find the value of y when x=20, you would locate the corresponding pair (20, ?) on the graph and determine the y-value.

Regarding creating a situation that could be modeled using this graph, I would need more specific details about the graph or the context it represents. Could you please provide more information or describe the graph to help me come up with a suitable situation?

To create a table of values from the graph, follow these steps:

1. Look at the x-axis of the graph and identify the range of values.
2. Choose a set of x-values within that range. For example, you could use x = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.
3. For each chosen x-value, identify the corresponding y-value on the graph. This can be done by reading the height of the points on the graph at those x-values.
4. Write down the x-values and their corresponding y-values in a table format.

For example, let's say the table of values you obtained from the graph is as follows:

| x | y |
| 0 | 3 |
| 5 | 7 |
| 10 | 12 |
| 15 | 16 |
| 20 | ??? |
| 25 | 8 |

To find the value of y when x = 20, you would look at the table above and see that when x = 20, the corresponding y-value is unknown (???) in this case. So, you would need to extrapolate or interpolate the value using the provided data points on the graph. This would involve estimating or approximating the y-value based on the trend or pattern observed in the graph.

To find three more pairs of values, you can apply the same process by choosing three additional x-values and finding their corresponding y-values on the graph.

Lastly, to write a situation that could be modeled using this graph, you need to consider the information depicted in the graph. For example, if the x-axis represents time and the y-axis represents distance, the graph could represent the distance traveled by a car over a specific period of time. The x-values would correspond to different time points, and the y-values would represent the corresponding distances traveled at those time points.