The turkey vulture diet contains almost entirely of carrion which is the king animal matter, the roadkill and human garbage they will rarely eat live pray, such as sick or dying birds and rodents and plants, how are they classified?





The turkey vulture would be classified as an omnivore. While their diet primarily consists of carrion (animal matter), they occasionally consume live prey and plants as well.

The turkey vulture is classified as an omnivore. While the majority of its diet consists of carrion, which is animal matter, it will also eat live prey such as sick or dying birds and rodents. Additionally, turkey vultures may consume some plant matter as well. Therefore, they have a varied diet and fall into the omnivore category.

The classification of an organism is typically determined by its dietary habits. Based on the information provided, turkey vultures primarily feed on carrion (dead animals), including roadkill and human garbage. However, they will occasionally eat live prey such as sick or dying birds and rodents, as well as plants.

Considering their varied diet, turkey vultures can be classified as omnivores. Omnivores are organisms that consume both plant and animal matter. While the majority of their diet consists of animal matter, their occasional consumption of plants makes them omnivorous.