Turkey vultures eat carrion, which is decaying animal matter, like roadkill. How are they classified? (1 point)autotroph




Hi here are the ACTUAL answers!

(sometimes the questions mix up btw)

Turkey vultures eat carrion, which is decaying animal matter, like roadkill. How are they classified? -carnivore

Why is the energy pyramid not a smooth geometric shape like a triangle but, rather, looks like narrow blocks stacked on top of wider blocks?
-Energy decreases at each level, and only 10% remains from the previous level.

What role does metabolism play in the flow of energy? -etabolism requires energy to occur and uses a large amount of energy at each level of the pyramid.

Which trophic level is always a necessity in an energy pyramid or food chain? -producer

enjoy :)

if ur on flow of energy quick check on lesson 8 then heres the answers :D


Energy decreases at each level, and only 10% remains from the previous level.

Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. Producers are organisms that makes their own food using the energy from the Sun.


YW! :>`

Checked over my answers.. The answers are..

1. is C - Carnivore

2. is C - Energy decreases at each level, and only 10% remains from the previous level

3. is C - Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. Producers are organisms that makes their own food using the energy from the Sun.

4. is D - producer

100%, i done with this BS and im going to the next lesson

PEACE PEOPLE - have a nice morning/afternoon/night :] -

the answers change for each person we need the answers in words not abc,

1 carnivore


They are classified as a carnivore because carnivores eat meat and a dead animal is not a plant.

the answers 2021-


2.energy decreases at each level and only 10% remains from the previous level

3.metabolism requires energy to occur and uses a large amount of energy at each level of the pyramid

i got a 100% (connexus student)
for unti 7 lesson 8👍

this is the right answer...

1. Q: Turkey vultures eat carrion, which is decaying animal matter, like roadkill. How are they classified?

1. A: carnivore

2. Q: Why is the energy pyramid not a smooth geometric shape like a triangle but, rather, looks like narrow blocks stacked on top of wider blocks?

2. A: Energy decreases at each level, and only 10% remains from the previous level.

3. Q: What is the difference between a consumer and a producer?

3. A: Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms. Producers are organisms that makes their own food using the energy from the sun.

4: Q: Which trophic level is always a necessity in an energy pyramid or food chain?

4: A: producer

ur welcome <3333 , no need to thank me :>

Why is the energy pyramid not a smooth geometric shape like a triangle but, rather, looks like narrow blocks stacked on top of wider blocks?(1 point)

A triangular pyramid would reflect a food pyramid rather than energy flow.

Energy decreases at each level, and only 10% remains from the previous level.

Lower levels have far more individuals, so the shape reflects their population size.

The sizes of each shape show how much is consumed (or produced) at each level.