What is the number 5.1×107 written in decimal notation?(1 point)

The number 5.1 × 107 written in decimal notation is 51,000,000.

What is the number 6.3×10−4 written in decimal notation?

The number 6.3 × 10^(-4) written in decimal notation is 0.00063.

A wasp’s stinger has an average length of 2.67×10−3 meter long. What is this length in decimal notation?(1 point)

The length of a wasp's stinger, 2.67 × 10^(-3) meter long, in decimal notation is 0.00267 meters.

Write 0.000456 in scientific notation.(1 point)

The number 0.000456 can be written in scientific notation as 4.56 × 10^(-4).

Country S has 12,345,000 residents who tested positive for COVID-19. What is the largest place value of the numeric part of this quantity?(1 point)

The largest place value of the numeric part of 12,345,000 is the millions place.


Apologies for the incorrect response. The largest place value of the numeric part of 12,345,000 is the ten millions place.

The time it takes the population of a microorganism to reduce by half is 0.000027503 of a year. What number is the best estimation of this quantity?(1 point)

The best estimation of the time it takes for the population of a microorganism to reduce by half, which is 0.000027503 of a year, is approximately 2.75 × 10^(-5) years.

A total of 7,803,100 tourists visited Country A from the year 2018 to the year 2020. Round to the nearest place value, then express this number in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10.

Rounding 7,803,100 to the nearest place value gives 7,800,000.

Expressing this number in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10, we have 7.8 × 10^6.

Wrong answer

Apologies for the mistake.

Rounding 7,803,100 to the nearest place value gives 7,800,000.

Expressing this number in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10, we have 7.8 × 10^6.

The radius of a hydrogen atom is 0.0000000529177 of a millimeter. Express this number as an approximation.(1 point)






The approximation for the radius of a hydrogen atom, which is 0.0000000529177 millimeters, is 0.00000005 millimeters.

How many times is 4 × 104 larger than 2 × 102 ?(1 point)






To determine how many times 4 × 10^4 is larger than 2 × 10^2, we can divide the first number by the second.

(4 × 10^4) ÷ (2 × 10^2) = (4 ÷ 2) × (10^4 ÷ 10^2) = 2 × 10^2 = 200

Therefore, 4 × 10^4 is 200 times larger than 2 × 10^2.

At the end of fiscal year 2004, the federal debt of Country C is $278,560,125,000. What is the closest estimation of this amount? Express your answer in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10.(1 point)


3 × 1011
3 times 10 superscript 11 baseline

2 × 1011
2 times 10 superscript 11 baseline

3 × 10−11
3 times 10 superscript negative 11 baseline

2.79 × 1011

The closest estimation of the federal debt of Country C at the end of fiscal year 2004, which is $278,560,125,000, is 2.79 × 10^11.

How many times less is 102 than 106 ? Express your answer as an integer power of 10.(1 point)


10 superscript negative 4 baseline




To determine how many times 10^2 is less than 10^6, we can divide the second number by the first.

(10^6) ÷ (10^2) = 10^(6-2) = 10^4

Therefore, 10^2 is 10^4 times less than 10^6. The answer is 10^(-4).

Roughly, it takes light less than 0.000000003 of a second to travel a one-meter distance. Express this number in the form of a × 10n where 1 < a < 10 and is a one-digit number.(1 point)


3 × 109
3 times 10 superscript 9 baseline

3 × 10−9
3 times 10 superscript negative 9 baseline

3 × 10−8
3 times 10 superscript negative 8 baseline

3 × 108

To express the time it takes light to travel a one-meter distance, which is less than 0.000000003 seconds, in the form of a × 10^n, where 1 < a < 10 and a is a one-digit number, we can rewrite it as 3 × 10^(-9).

Therefore, the expression is 3 × 10^(-9).