What is the number 5.1×107 written in decimal notation?(

The number 5.1×107 written in decimal notation is 51,000,000.

To convert a number written in scientific notation to decimal notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficient (the number before the "x") by 10 raised to the power of the exponent (the number after the "x").

In this case, the coefficient is 5.1 and the exponent is 7.
So, 5.1 × 10^7 = 5.1 * 10,000,000.

Step 2: Calculate the result.

5.1 * 10,000,000 = 51,000,000.

Therefore, the number 5.1 × 10^7 can be written in decimal notation as 51,000,000.

To convert the number 5.1×10^7 to decimal notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the base number, which is 5.1.
Step 2: Multiply the base number by 10 raised to the power of the exponent. In this case, the exponent is 7.
5.1 × 10^7
= 5.1 × 10,000,000
Step 3: Calculate the product of the base number and the power of 10.
5.1 × 10,000,000
= 51,000,000

Therefore, the number 5.1×10^7 is equal to 51,000,000 in decimal notation.