What is the number 5.9×105 written in decimal notation?

5.9×105 in decimal notation is 590,000.

To write the number 5.9×105 in decimal notation, you can simply move the decimal point 5 places to the right as indicated by the exponent 105.

Starting with the number 5.9, you move the decimal point 5 places to the right, resulting in the number 590,000.

Therefore, the number 5.9×105 in decimal notation is 590,000.

To convert a number in scientific notation to decimal notation, you need to move the decimal point to the right or left depending on the exponent.

In this case, the number is 5.9×10^5. Since the exponent is positive, we need to move the decimal point to the right by 5 places.

Starting with 5.9, we move the decimal point to the right 5 times:
5.9 → 59 → 590 → 5900 → 59000 → 590000

So, 5.9×10^5 in decimal notation is 590000.